TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 4hrs to install "a" camshaft... Gzum
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Subject 4hrs to install "a" camshaft... Gzum
Posted by LivinTheDream on April 08, 2015 at 10:49 PM
  This message has been viewed 360 times.
Message On top of already beings super "anal" about things I'm working outside, in the open with breeze and bugs and I've experienced what a few evil practicals of the wrong material can do to cam shafts and heads.
BUT why in the world did Nissan did not use a rubber gasket for the exhaust valve covers like they did for the intake covers is beyond me.
It is so tedious to clean that rtv off of the heads and clean the surface with solvent as well as the covers and then make sure you didn't get any debree in the heads or left any in the cover.
Do you guys have any tips for this or is it just an over all pain for everyone?

But I'm glad I take my time none the less. I pulled cam shafts to change out valve seals and I inspected everything meticulously as I put it all back together . On my last inspection (cover in one had light in the next) right as I'm about to stick the cover on I spot what seems to be a piece of rtv submerged in a puddle of oil next to the he's bolt. Tried to fish it out with a screw driver and no luck. Grabbed an ear swab and to my amazement and luck, out comes a beetle..... close call. I've seen someone on here lose a turbo to a mere bug.

Anyway rubber exhaust valve cover seals would be the greatest aftermarket part. Thank you.

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